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Before Euro Times!


So When are you going to start the German Times? Keep sharing your days there..


congrats on the latest development.hope we will get to see many more issues of "german times" like polish times ! enjoy !


will we be getting german times now!?? ;) looking forward to it!!


so can we expect "German Times" from next week?


So we can expect a German times soon.... ;-)

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After "Welcome Aboard"

on 4th June 2002


That was pretty cool...Expecting a lot


Congrats! Good Start...Njoy maadi!!!


Iam glad that some of us(I forgot!) asked for your Euro Times. I for one will be looking forward to your experiences. The first one is in true Chandru style - keep it up man!!!


Cool to read your mail again.


good man.. :-) expecting Ur mails... :-)


Thanks for telling abt german trip and have a great time


Hi! welcome back! A good start with a good quote!

Praveen GK

common chandru, great beginning with german times

hope to see 1 issue of this every week

Ganesh Kamath

One airport authority actually saw only previous Polish visa and told me that I have landed in a wrong country. I had to explain him showing my german visa on the next page.

Good one!! ha ..ha..I hope he was not a Sardarji.


Wow that was very interesting way to start Euro times :)

The quote is very nice :)

Till September!!


hii chan, nice start for euro times - i think german times would be appro. since poland is also in euro & u already ahve a polish times out. second , enda luxem. thaan small countrya? - where is the vatican city?

good - keep up the work - pictures say more than words - so where r u pics?


Nice going da..

The second edition of EURO TIMES has come well and it is appropriate to give the history and geo of Europe to startwith.

Great going and looking forward for more!!

Senthil kumar

Arambichittaya...inimel naanga vara varam sethhu polaikkanum.

Dai rambam, Go out to some places and write about that. We don't want history of europe da. We can get that from any encyclopaedia. :-0))


The first time I read your Euro Times or German Times or Polish Times whatever you call it. It's about your last trip.

Wow !!!!! Amazing. I am astonished. Great work.

I looked at your site too. Keep up the very good work


Your Euro times is really interesting and thought provking


Nice to hear from your german times and as usual nice to read it .

G K Praveen

Hello Mr. EDITOR, Fantastic writing, did it not come to your mind that you can be more sucessfull in other professions....

once more, once more, ....


With this Edition on the World Cup Football, you have scored the required Goaaaaaal !!!

Good Visual Sense!!


Enjoying reading every word in your Euro times... Kamal hey! Ise kalye Inthagaar kiya....

Hoping for weekely Edition Shukriya...

Ganesh Kamath

I told about your Polish and Euro times to my colleagues in ACC dept...they are now intereseted in reading them.

The other day I revisited most of PolishTimes issues along with my brother...he enjoyed reading it...may be he will recommend it to his friends in the USA.


then, when is your next GERMAN POST? eagerly waiting for that why don't you make it as weekly mail?


  Superb news and quotes..... Keep fly in writing...

Shankar Ganesh

It is so sad that you were not bit by any animals.

I wish it should had happened. Anyway better luck next time.


First and foremost, Please take care yourself and not to repeat again.

Wow! What a great heroic tale.

Yes, I scared, when i read first few lines. But later, i could see a great scribbler than your adventure. Any how, Thanks for sharing your experience and moral with us.


noch ein gute beschreibung.. Alles gute..viel spaß.

Senthil kumar

So, had a "Nightmare on German street". But, I couldn't believe only one thing. Did you really jog everyday?

Ananth S

Loved the captions for the snaps! Doing a good job. Why don't you start writing some magazine (I am not joking!) . But may be not on IT but on something else ;-)

Ravi M

Your "Euro Times" editions are really great !!! Normally i dont read mails that run into pages - but yours are exceptions. Do keep up the good work.

& more...


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Cut&Pasteright Euro Times 2002