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19 September 2002

Dear Pals,

           On Sept 11, the world remembered those who lost their lives in that tragedy. It was very poignant moment to see all those victim's families on the same place where they lost all their loved ones.
 It was a good gesture from Wipro when they announced about their plan to name the buildings after their deceased four employees in the 9/11 incident. Also, US government's plan to provide US citizenship for the spouses/families of the victims was unprecedented I believe. It will be soothing for the souls to live in the city where they met their loved one last time.

City of Mozart

               Salzburg's is very proud of it's most famous son - the composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Museums, houses, squares, chocolate bars, liqueurs - you name it and it's got a Mozart tag stuck on it. I was even looking for an Indian restaurant with Mozart Masala vada in their menu. :-)

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              Except that he was born in Salzburg in 1756, Mozart wasn't keen on this city, and left for Vienna. The guide, who took us to the tours was honest enough to accept that. But when you wander around the city, you feel as if Mozart has composed all his notes in the streets of this city & was uncontrollably sobbing when he left this city.
              Otherwise, Salzburg is a really beautiful Austrian city with Salzach river across the city. No wonder, it thrives only on tourism. The fact that it lies close to the German border helps in the way that the tickets you buy in Germany are valid till this city in Austria.(That is another reason why lotsa Indians go there! Without that offer, this Euro Times edition would not have been published)

                         Hot News: Ralf Schumacher, the BMW-Williams Formula One driver got married in a church in Salzburg on September 7th.

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              ICE CAVES, on the Austrian part of Alps are first place I would propose to visit. Above 1500 meters from sea level, water is disguised as ice in the deep caves of mountains. We have to climb up a hill, on the way lies a castle.

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               From that height, it was a breathtaking view ! True, its difficult to breath at that height becos of low level of oxygen :-). A hour trip inside the ice caves was dark & chilling experience, photography was not permitted becos of some valid reasons. Couple of guys went of clicking, though the Guards warned atleast thrice. Annoyed, I looked around to see who are those idiots. Uff! it turned out to be two Gentlemen(?) from India, attired in full formal Suite but with Bata sandals. :-)

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                  Salt Mining was a major occupation of Salzburgers. In fact, Salzburg - "Salt mountain" in German. For starters, German is the official language in Austria. So, we visited a Salt-Mine, but unless you want to make a career in Salt-mining (Why should you! Err.. Hmm... May be you should, you never know during this economic recession!), its no fun in visiting it. Expensive Waste!!

 Adding salt(!) to the injury, I gulp a cup of water from a tap there! Later found that it contained 25% of salt in it!! Grrrrrrrrrrr!! I could not taste anything else for the whole day!!

 And there is EAGLE'S NEST, Hitler's summer camp, up in the high mountain, though Hitler visited this place only few times. His reason: "Nice place! But how long are you guys planning to kill me by exposing in such a open space!! Uthna Bewakoof Nahin Hoon!!" During the World war II, surprisingly it was not destroyed by Allied forces.

 If you had seen "The Sound of Music" & loved that movie, you can take a trip down the hills & valleys where the film was shot. But, I would suggest strolling around the city would make a great day.

 If you're on a musical pilgrimage, you can visit Mozart's birthplace, his house which contains all his old instruments, the grave of his father and widow, and the kitchen of a person who once spoke to  someone who knew someone whose great-great grandfather once played second violin in a Mozart opera.

 One more hot news: Salzburg is one of the two cities short-listed for Winter Olympics 2010.

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Quote for the week

Time heals nothing, it just rearranges the memory.

-- ??????

That's all folks!! Adios!

Your Friend,
Euro Times

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