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       Did u see the World Cup matches, supposedly the worlds biggest sports show. Okay, Okay   Americans won’t accept it, after all they play FOOTball with HANDs.

  France is in a state of mourning. Argentines in tears.. Italy’s shock defeat. Ufff! so far so many upsets. Wonder if at all, India could have reached this stage, they could have won a match in such a highly dramatic & eventful World cup. Host Korea's march is another surprise!! So far, its underdog's world cup!

Dear Pals,

Continuation of last week suspense..

   When I reached Stuttgart, I was really in for a surprise. I expected Stuttgart which is fourth biggest city in Germany to be like Delhi or Chennai, for that matter even Wroclaw, the lovely Poland city where I spent many of my weekends. BUT (a big but), Stuttgart resembles more of a European Hill station!! But We will see more about it soon.

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Welcome to EUROPE, a Country with varied culture, diff…. Stop! What? Is Europe a country?

  YES & NO.

    YES, becos its should be called a country like India. NO, becos they don't call it so, . A collection of states (they call it countries) with varied sizes, from smaller than Sikkim like Luxembourg to Uttra Pradesh like Spain. Be it population or geographical size, they are like our Indian states only. (Don't ask me who is Laloo and Jayalalitha in Europe!)

    A Pseudo continent -Yes, its not really a continent, should be called "Western part of Asia". In my opinion, during some war (they fought so often, that u feel it may have been their HOBBY), using the pandemonium caused by war, they have declared it as a continent. ( Cycle gap-la Lorry Ottitaangappa..!) The common boundary between the Asia and Europe is traditionally the Ural River, the Ural Mountain range and a part of the Caspian Sea.

    Geographically, the northernmost point of the Europe is Cape Nordkinn, in Norway; the southernmost, Punta de Tarifa, in southern Spain near Gibraltar. From west to east the mainland ranges from Cabo da Roca, in Portugal, to the northeastern slopes of the Urals, in Russia. (General knowledge stuff!)

    Historically, Europea has got a long history, enough to write upto 1000th  Standard history book for school students. That way, I like Americans, they don’t really have much history, making the history books lighter. But Euro Times cannot afford that much space, so we will limit ourselves to 20th   Century.

   Europeans speak a wide variety of languages, mainly associated with the country or region in which they live. The principal linguistic groups are those of the Slavic which includes Russian, Czech and many others; Germanic which includes English, German and others; and Roman which include Italian, French and others.

Between the countries in Europe, the cultural, ethnic differences in them is too big to live together for long time………! Result : World War I and World War II!


After a hectic lesson on Europe's history & geography, lets relax with this bit of news. :-)

Virus Info:

Security experts and federal government authorities warn that offspring of the dangerous e-mail virus are now on the loose. As a public service, we present the following list of "I Love You" variations and how to recognize them.

"I Love You, But I'm Shy" virus

    It never actually invades your computer but collects data about it worshipfully from afar. ( "Idhayam" Murali Virus in Tamil!!)

"Love The One You're With" virus

    It hangs around your computer, but the whole thing is just temporary until it can find the computer that it really wants to invade.





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