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![]() 31 January 2003
Dear Friends,
Why don't you people understand that US Presidency election is around the corner and nothing much to boast of on the economic front, Bush has to do something! So, how about Saddam Hussain whom traditionally Bush family cherish. Yeah, Yeah, those UN Weapons Inspectors will search for mass-destruction in Iraq for months, but we can't wait; we don't have much time left for election. Media is hell bent on showing Mr.Bush's failure on economical and diplomacy fronts, the passionate speeches post 9/11 notwithstanding. Mr.Bush wants peace all over the world, infact, US wanted peace ever since it was born, though history will always have US in most of the major wars that were fought over last five decades on earth. What? US has more mass-destruction weapons in the world than anyone? Hmm... Yes, but we use it only for peace purpose.. okay, sometimes we do fight war to test those weapons. ("Then, how the hell will you ever know, how they work?") Evidence against Iraq? We can't disclose our intelligence sources to the whole world. No, no, its not that CIA failed to figure out that India would test its Nuclear stuff in 1998. Its just that we didn't bother much about India, thought that they are always kept busy by their neighbour Pakistan (Another country in our list, do they have any Oil over there?)
Hey, by the way, you are asking too many questions. Decide now. Either
you are with us or with them (Terrorists). Time is running out for you.
Its fashion, man!!
Fashion? Paris, Milan, Newyork comes to mind. Paris, infact is called as the fashion center of the world. Milan is another giant in fashion world. (Guys who are watching Fashion TV will vouch for this!) Fashion in Europe goes a long way back in History. But fashion is not confined to just dress. So, lets start from the top, Hairstyle. Remember
that Mohican haircut of David Beckham during Football World Cup. A bushy
wall kinda hairstyle bifurcating the head symmetrically. Fanatically following
it, almost all of the 20+ guys were sporting that hairstyle during that
month. Even Ronaldo had a strange hairstyle, less I say better it will
Remember, these hairstyles don't come cheap. You need to pay extra for such haircuts. In general, guys like their hair being raised with sharp edges using gel. People just love to dye their hair with colors like indigo, cyan, pink etc. Matching their dress. Matching their dog color. Matching the shoe. etc. etc. Not just young but even veterans. In fact, a point was raised by the Amercians during our intercultural seminar, they wondered why even old people are dyeing their hair. For example, in US, young people do such things to be considered as rebellion, but not adults, they opined. Last week, I saw a (wo?)man with a long hair, almost one meter. So, what's special? Wait! Haven't finished yet. This longer hair is only in half side of the head, the other side remains cleanly shaven. (Ardhanareeswarar?!) Bizarre? Never mind. Meanwhile, it took more than two minutes to decide that it was a man after all. Hair is not everything. Ask Agassi! When Italians played World cup in Korea last year, their outfit looked more at home in Beach than football field, NewYork times commmented that it looked like a fashion parade. There is a peculiar type of jeans (last week found out- 'Relaxing jeans'), which is big & long enough, but it always gives you a feeling that it can fall down anytime. Here, they don’t tuck-in the shirts. So, it is always a mystery from where their trousers starts - hip or knees. Especially when you are with your wife/parents, you have your heart in your mouth! I would blame the broader, looser top half of that jean for such an illusion. Then, they are Gypsies.. Well, wanna join the competition "Count the colors in their dress!" Doesn't take a Einstein to answer that, though! "Infinity!" They always roam around with a dog tied to their hand, a stinky smell accompanied, unkempt hair and with a beer in hand. (WESTERN 'devdas'!) Jokes apart, serious fashion is of high quality here. Many of the outfits will floor you immediately. Especially during winter, the kind of winter clothing available is amazing. In summer, its recession time.. Less clothes and more fashion. Designer fashion competition! Every weekends!! In streets!!!. Time for sun bath, Bisibellah bath etc.. Quite a few Indians trying to excel in International fashion world like Rohit Bal, Ritu kumar, Tarun Tahiliani to name a few. Even, we are planning to wear our traditional "Dhoti", to create a new fashion in Europe. You never know, anything could become fashion in this side of the world. Plastic, Glass, wire and even leaves and flowers can be used to make the costumes. Of all, British people are considered as old fashioned despite London. ( British Fashion = Oxymoron ) But I have seen none of such fashion within office, People wear either normal clothes or suits in office. Whatever be the fashion, nothing can be as beautiful as our own Saree. What do u say?! ***********************************************
Maturity is only a short break in adolescence. - Jules Feiffer
That's all folks!! ciao! Your Friend,
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Cut&Pasteright Euro Times 2002