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16 August  2002

Dear Friends,

         I express my strong condemnation & denial to those reports suggesting that 'Accounts of Euro Times are fraudulent and investigation is on'. We don't employ any finance consultant like Anderson etc, and our accounts are clear of any miscalcultion. We don't even have shredder in our office, so we didn't destroy and documents too. :-)

          Well, last three months were not encouraging, if not disastrous, for American Economy, full of scandals that made dollar weaker than ever. I told you the reason for the christening EURO TIMES, that Euro is going to challenge Dollar.

1 Dollar = 1.3 Euro when I started Euro Times, now  1 Dollar = 1.01 Euro, indeed my words become prophecy! "Chandru Baba"ki Jai !!

Lost in the woods!

 Whenever I find time in evenings, I used to jog till the start of the forest just behind my house. It happened that way one day. At usual starting point I stopped jogging and was about to return.  Few Germans, who were jogging further pumped me up, "Come On! Come on! Run!" 'Ok. I have enough time', I decided to go further into the forest. I just followed them, but soon they went ahead, leaving me behind, I stopped. I walked, walked and walked, Hoping to get out of the forest soon. I was too proud to return back the same way and noises of barking dogs doesn't help my cause either.

 The road was quite curvy and soon I lost the sense of direction. The whole forest went silent.  Noises that I made on the road sounded more hoarse.  For once, (actually thrice) I was feeling scared. People say there are no animals in that forest, fine, but they also said that France will win the World cup and India will win the West Indies series etc etc. So, I was not taking any risks. I had no illusions of being Arnold or Van damm, but the setting could not have been more apt for such action movies!!

 Hey! Look there! I could see some houses. Well, Let me go closer! More Closer!! Looks colorful!! Wait.. Wait!!

  Why the hell they build graveyards in the middle of the forest! Ofcourse I was not scared!! He..Hee... Have you seen "Raaz"? or Blair witch project?..Never Mind.. Why I am thinking about these movies now?! 

 Something in me told that there could be houses nearby, but here they go to Graveyard during funeral in Cars, so they won't mind having the graveyard few miles away from town. Luckily, the entrance of Graveyard lead to a small town,but not my town. 

        I looked for some addresses & found some french words in some boards. Oh My God!! Have I crossed the border? No, Can't be. I jave just walked half-an-hour and Stuttgart is 300 Km from french border. Also according to some theorm, one cannot walk that fast in this short period of time. 600 Km per hour has not even achieved by Micheal Schumacher. rite?

         After walking with literally no clue about the directions for 20 minutes, I decided to take help. "Don’t ask women for directions", they say, so I decided not to ask women. Especially, young women, you never know what they will make out of my half-boiled german, could lead to Eve-teasing(or Adam teasing), cops etc. You never know, seems girls here use our Santoor Soap, when you wonder whether they are married or not, there comes a kid saying "GRANNY"  ( Nana? College-aa? ) !! U suddenly realize the seriousness of the situation, and Escape!! Anyway, I had no mood for such romantic adventures that day.  ;-)

           Finally, a man on cycle stopped & told me the way to my town. Another 20 minutes walk & I could find the rear side of my apartment.

   Moral: Know where u are going and never give in to others enthusiasm(especially in Germany!)

Bogi in German Style:

 In Germany, Once in a year, people keep all their old stuff in front of their house. Anybody who wants those stuff can take them. Don't get carried away with the tag 'old', I could see many TVs, Monitors, Washing machine and lotsa wooden furniture etc, being kept outside. After a month, the Municipal guys will come & take away the remaining stuff.

 During that month,  I was gravely mistaken when some girls were standing out in their houses and about to ask very innocently 'Excuse me, why were you thrown out of your house?'.  Later, I found that Cars, girls are exceptions and you should not take them to your house. (especially the second one, which could be very dangerous! :-)

 Note: You all read about the flood that is wreaking havoc with middle europe including Germany. For your info, my city is not among those places unfortunatly, so you will be cursed with more editions of Euro Times and there is no escape !

Euro Times

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