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Oh No! This guy again. Thought he has gone out of our lives. This cannot be true. ($%&(*& $%(#@($%…Seems like a Nightmare!!!

Dear Friends,

Hey! I suppose you will be thinking in the lines like the above. Well, life is full of ups and downs. You never know whats going to hit you next.

Well, here I am again. After a quite an exotic experience with Poland, I am back again. Two years older! (possibly and hopefully wiser!!).

It’s been a longtime since we met. In these two years, world ecomony has rotated half a cirlce..(hope the other half will start soon!!)

When I first informed all my friends (i.e you) about my Germany trip, the response was " That great! So we are going to be blessed with same troubles like in 2000 (Polish times <>).

Not surprisingly, ALL of you guessed it as "German Times". Well, Not sure you are rite.

Era of EURO currency has just started in ‘Euro’pe, people are expecting it to take on Dollar on equal terms. So, I have selected "EURO TIMES" for its generic facade on Europe.

Lackluster - That’s not a part of my trips. So, I had trouble waiting in Bangalore airport. Unusually, I went through extra enquiry at EVERY checkpoint in the airport. Was asked about the purpose of my visit, company again and again and again.. I couldn’t understand it untill I had a glimpse of myself in mirror when I was body-checked. I was attired in black T-shirt & Jerkins; rough looking Jeans and macho Shoes.

I was looking more like the missing 20th person involved in the crash of WTC towers than a Software-engineer on his assignement to Germany from Robert Bosch India Ltd. Really. In flight too, People had a worried face, as if they expect me any moment to take a pistol , and say "Okay pals, Enough is enough! this flight is hijacked now and we will be landing/crashing on Quid-ip-Minar!". Meanwhile, I was anxiously waiting for the dinner to be served and was very hungry & tired due to last minute shopping and packing. (FYI, I missed the dinner as I slept soon)


And that didn’t stop in India alone. In Frankfurt too, I was extra-checked in every other checkpoint. One airport authority actually saw only previous Polish visa and told me that I have landed in a wrong country. I had to explain him showing my german visa on the next page. J

Finally I took an Inter-City train to STUTTGART, which is my final destination, and where Bosch headquarters is located.

Here I am, in the land of Mercedes, Hitler, Schumacher, Beethoven, BMW, Becker, Berlin Wall, Steffi Graf, Football (Ok, that’s default in Europe!), VolksWagen, Luftansa..etc..etc

What I saw after I land in Stuttgart was surprising to say the least!!!!! (Epadi Suspense!! :-)


A funny quote to start "Euro Times":

"Don't take life too seriously, you'll never get out of it alive"



Thanks for all the guys who asked for the German Times. (and giving a reason to write my experiences!!) Ur comments on this edition are welcome with some suggestions also.




Euro Times

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Cut&Pasteright Euro Times 2002